Greetings! 😆

Welcome to my website!

I am Yaokun Li, from the School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. I have a broad interest in the exciting field of computer vision, involving:

👉 Generalizable neural representations: Dedicated to advancing lightweight, generalizable 3D representations for future general AI.

👉 Uncertainty in Sparse-view 3D Reconstruction/Generation: Striving to solve the ill-posed spare reconstruction/generation issue, especially from a generative perspective incorporating knowledge of LLMs or VLMs.

Moreover, I am also interested in face analysis/editing, which I have done some work on before.

🔥 News 🔥

[2024.02] 🌟🌟 Our new work, ID-NeRF, is released! Check it out via here.
[2023.11] 🎉🎉 One paper CIT is accepted to IJCV
[2023.09] 🎉🎉 One paper PIT is accepted to TITS
[2022.07] 🎉🎉 One paper MS-GCN is accepted to ITSC 2022
[2021.09] 🚀🚀 Start my journey at ISE@SYSU

📑 Preprints

Taming Uncertainty in Sparse-view Generalizable NeRF via Indirect Diffusion Guidance

Yaokun Li, Chao Gou, Guang Tan
arXiv Preprint, 2024

📑 Publications

Cascaded Iterative Transformer for Jointly Predicting Facial Landmark, Occlusion Probability and Head Pose

Yaokun Li, Guang Tan, Chao Gou
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV 2023)
Paper | Code

PIT: Progressive Interaction Transformer for Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction

Yuchen Zhou, Guang Tan, Rui Zhong, Yaokun Li, Chao Gou
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS 2023)

MS-GCN: Multi-Stream Graph Convolution Network for Driver Head Pose Estimation

Yaokun Li, Yuezhao Yu, Yuliang Liu, Chao Gou
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2022)

🏆 Awards

∙ (2019) China National Scholarship
∙ (2020) Polytechnic Youth Top Ten Students
∙ (2022) Honorable mention in HACKPKU 2022
∙ (2023) Third Prize of 2023 “Huawei Cup” National Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Competition

📝 Academic Service

∙ Journal Reviewer: IJCV, TIV
∙ Conference Reviewer: ITSC

📖 Teaching

∙ Teaching Assistant: ISE3111 Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning, SYSU, 2022 Fall

😻 My Hobbies

🏃‍♂️ 🏀 🏋 🎧 📷 …